Our 7th event on May 23, 24 (Thu, Fri) 2024/第7回イベント 2024年5月23日(木), 24日(金)
タイムテーブル(Time table)
Day 1 (May, 23th) Opening remark 13 : 00 - 13 : 10 Keynote lecture 1 13 : 10 - 14 : 00 Oral presentation 14 : 10 - 16 : 10 Poster presentation 16 : 20 - 18 : 00 Closing & Tidying up 18 : 00 - 18 : 30 Day 2 (May, 24th) Oral presentation 8 : 45 - 10 : 45 Keynote lecture 2 10 : 55 - 11 : 45 Closing ceremony 11 : 55 - 12 : 25 |
AwardsBest Poster Presentation Awards
Yicheng Zhu and Huimin Gong, "An ultra-conformal and stretchable electrode array for 3D brain organoid's electrophysiology" Ryo Takahashi, "Body-scale wireless charging via meandered textile coil for continuous full-body electric skin" Best Oral Presentation Awards Xiaoping Liang, "Silk Sericin-Nanocarbon Hybrid Ink for Textile Electronics" Ryosuke Matsuda, "Direct physical vapor deposition of liquid metal onto chloride treated substrate surface" Keynote Lectures:
Prof. Tsuyoshi Sekitani SANKEN, Osaka university Title : Ultraflexible/Stretchable Electronics for BMI Technologies Assoc. Prof. Yoeri van de Burgt Eindhoven University of Technology Title : Organic Neuromorphic Electronics |
We, Young Researchers Society for Flexible and Stretchable Electronics (FSE若手), aim to build a comfortable society for the young researchers in various field to cooperate and further accelerate the research field.
Since establishing this community, we had 6th online and in-person events, and many students and researchers from more than 18 universities aggressively participated.
We, Young Researchers Society for Flexible and Stretchable Electronics (FSE若手), aim to build a comfortable society for the young researchers in various field to cooperate and further accelerate the research field.
Since establishing this community, we had 6th online and in-person events, and many students and researchers from more than 18 universities aggressively participated.
開催概要(Contents of the Events)
来る2024年5月23日(木)・24日(金)、大阪大学産業科学研究所にて第7回イベントを行うことが決定しました。Keynote sessionでは、世界の最先端を走る二人の研究者より最新の研究成果について発表していただきます(詳細は追って更新)。研究を始めたばかりの学部生にとってはもちろん、修士課程・博士課程の学生にとっても他の研究分野について見識を深める絶好のチャンスです。学部生は発表なしでの参加が可能ですが、修士以上は英語での口頭orポスター発表が必須になります。また口頭・ポスター発表それぞれにAwardを準備しています。興味を持っていただけた場合は、参加フォームから参加をお願いします。口頭発表の場合、概要を300ワードで記載して頂きます。入力は全て英語でお願いします。
イベントへの参加登録締め切りは4月26日(金) 23:59(フォーム締め切りました)。
We are pleased to share the 7th onsite event at SANKEN, Osaka University on May 23rd (Thu) and 24th (Fri), 2024. In the Keynote session, two world-leading researchers will present their latest research results (details to be updated). This is a great opportunity for undergraduates, as well as graduate students who have an interest in other fields. Undergraduates don't have to give a presentation, but all the graduate students need to give oral or poster presentations in English. We will prepare the awards for excellent presentations. For oral presentations, a 300-word summary is required. Language in this symposium is English. If you are interested, please register in English from the below link .
The due is Apr. 26th 23:59(closed). You need to join this society before registration to this event.
イベントへの参加登録締め切りは4月26日(金) 23:59(フォーム締め切りました)。
We are pleased to share the 7th onsite event at SANKEN, Osaka University on May 23rd (Thu) and 24th (Fri), 2024. In the Keynote session, two world-leading researchers will present their latest research results (details to be updated). This is a great opportunity for undergraduates, as well as graduate students who have an interest in other fields. Undergraduates don't have to give a presentation, but all the graduate students need to give oral or poster presentations in English. We will prepare the awards for excellent presentations. For oral presentations, a 300-word summary is required. Language in this symposium is English. If you are interested, please register in English from the below link .
The due is Apr. 26th 23:59(closed). You need to join this society before registration to this event.
・Membership to the FSE Young Researchers Association is required.FSE若手研究者の会への入会が必要です。
・Free onsite event for students and postdoc. 学生・ポスドクは参加費無料の現地イベント。
*10,000 yen will be collected from assistant professors and above. 助教以上は参加費1万円を頂きます。
・Undergrads don't have to present. 学部生は聴講のみも可。
・The content can be already published elsewhere. 他学会や論文誌で既発表のものも可。
・Excellent presenters will be awarded. 優秀な発表には賞があります。
・Free onsite event for students and postdoc. 学生・ポスドクは参加費無料の現地イベント。
*10,000 yen will be collected from assistant professors and above. 助教以上は参加費1万円を頂きます。
・Undergrads don't have to present. 学部生は聴講のみも可。
・The content can be already published elsewhere. 他学会や論文誌で既発表のものも可。
・Excellent presenters will be awarded. 優秀な発表には賞があります。
FSE best presentation award
FSE Best Presentation Award will be given to young researchers who made excellent oral or poster presentations that contribute to the development of flexible and stretchable electronics.
フレキシブル・ストレッチャブルエレクトロニクスの発展に貢献しうる優秀な口頭発表またはポスター発表を行った若手研究者に対し、FSE Best Presentation Awardを授与します。
FSE Best Presentation Award Guidelines.pdf
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FSE Best Presentation Award規程.pdf
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FSE Best Presentation Award will be given to young researchers who made excellent oral or poster presentations that contribute to the development of flexible and stretchable electronics.
フレキシブル・ストレッチャブルエレクトロニクスの発展に貢献しうる優秀な口頭発表またはポスター発表を行った若手研究者に対し、FSE Best Presentation Awardを授与します。
FSE Best Presentation Award Guidelines.pdf
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FSE Best Presentation Award規程.pdf
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